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Maja Solutions Sdn Bhd

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Maja Solutions Sdn Bhd  company environment picture 1
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Our Story

Softwares and Games Development

Maja Solutions is a gaming company based in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. Since its founding in 2017; We have managed to produce more than 20 gaming products and a few mobile apps solutions for our clients. 
The company main goal is to create an environment where the daring and aspiring talents have a place to excel and create something fun and worthy. 
Our Vision is simple.
That’s right. Our Vision is simple. To make the world simpler.
Breaking all barrier of languages and cultures.
We start by making the games simpler.
That’s our mission. 
How the Maja Started?
Basically, its a story of how our founder wanted to play a game he had in his mind for many years. He has been waiting a game like that to be built by someone, so he could play it. But, nobody ever build that game …. He decided to build it on his own.
Join us in the journey of innovating and building high potential products!

We have fun, while building great products together.


PLAY as a way of life here has been the foundation behind Maja establishment. It happened that PLAY is also the forces who create UTILITY. Building solutions and entertainment that simplify human life and engagement. 

WE wanted our people to have more than just PLAY here. We work hard to create an environment where they will meet and BONDS like-minded people or a singing clown as their friends. 

Well GUTS is what the founders vehemently preach that we do not penalized people for making mistake rather if they never learn and attempt to disrupt and changes things. 

GUTS give the reason for PLAY

  • Work in a small team of committed and awesome people driven to deliver awesome products
  • We practice a certain level of flexi-hours
  • You can basically treat the office like your home, get comfortable, and be productive.
  • Well-stocked pantry. *FOOD IS IMPORTANT*
  • Pretty office is mandatory
  • Super cool boss, at least he think he is
  • Crazy colleague(s). *free in-house entertainment*
  • Best of all, you are a partner. Not an employee. 
  • And of course, the basics benefits are covered ;) 

Company Benefits


Employees can choose their working hours from our flexi-hours options


Monthly fixed allowance for phones, transportation and laptops

Medical & Employee Insurance

Medical claims benefit

Company Activities

Sports night, Board game night, Birthday celebration, Fruit juice day and Team building activities


Maja is near to Asia Jaya LRT station

Free annual leave

Extra annual leave for your birthday!

Our Story

Our Address

Lot 01-09, 9th Floor, Menara Symphony 5, Jalan Prof Khoo Kay Kim, Seksyen 13,

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